Secret Smile Meditation


  1. Settle into your preferred meditation posture.
  2. Close your eyes and slow your breathing.
  3. Balance your spine in an upright position and put your tongue up.
  4. Smile.
  5. Remember the feeling of deep relaxation before awakening.
  6. Breathe the feeling of relaxation into your root. As you breathe out feel the relaxation radiate through your body and allow your muscles to relax. You can imagine this as a bright red glow. x3
  7. Remember the feeling before your best orgasm.
  8. Breathe the feeling of ecstasy into your navel. As you breathe out feel the ecstasy radiate through your body. You can imagine this as a bright orange glow. x3
  9. Remember the feeling of pride in your greatest accomplishment.
  10. Breathe the feeling of confidence into your plexus. As you breathe out feel the confidence radiate through your body. You can imagine this as a bright yellow glow. x3
  11. Remember the feeling of love in your closest relationship.
  12. Breathe the feeling of love into your heart. As you breathe out feel the love radiate through your body. You can imagine this as a bright green glow. x3
  13. Remember the feeling of laughing at your funniest joke.
  14. Breathe the feeling of joy into your throat. As you breathe out feel the joy radiate through your body. You can imagine this as a bright blue glow. x3