Sunday Prayer
In the name of the Almighty and supreme God, I conjure you Lord Sun, the illuminator, the King of all the stars, the begetter of vision. O Sun, who nurtures and causes the herbs and the trees to bear fruit, who adorns the whole world with Majesty, who banishes adversities in the darkness, who divides the beautiful things from the ugly ones; O Sun, the embellishment of priceless things, the beauty and the majesty of pearls, gold and precious stones, the glory of the Kings and the thought of the judges; I conjure you, Sun, lord Sun, inconceivable, incomprehensible, who sees the powers of heaven and understands the splendours of the supreme God. I conjure you, Lord Sun, candle that burns before the dreadful God Sabaoth, do not disobey me. I conjure you in your following names: Pithankouz, Doriel, Sinae, Madoel, Lytrophar, Phryktouel, Pelkadon, Andraphor, Iymedon, Alianos, Gararouel. [In your above names, grant your grace, power and virtue in the present work I want to attempt.] Turn back your foul fortune from me. Bring me only good fortune. Amen.