Thursday Angel Prayer
Face North.
Sachiel, Castiel, Asasiel, Be my helpers in these petitions and in all things.
Face East.
O great God, exalted and honoured through the ages, I ask you O pious Father, that my petition and my labour be fulfilled, and understood perfectly, who lives and reigns through the infinite ages, Amen.
Face West.
O wise God, illustrious and just, with divine mercy, I ask you O pious Father, that my petition and my labour be fulfilled, and understood perfectly, who lives and reigns through the infinite ages, Amen.
Face North again.
O powerful God, strong and without beginning, I ask you O pious Father, that my petition and my labour be fulfilled, and understood perfectly, who lives and reigns through the infinite ages, Amen.
Face South.
O God, powerful and merciful, I ask you O pious Father, that my petition and my labour be fulfilled, and understood perfectly, who lives and reigns through the infinite ages,Amen.
Face North or East. Make the sign of the cross where specified.
I adjure and call you forth, by the seat of Adonay + and by Hagios + Otheos + Iskiros, Athanatos, Paracletus, Alpha and Omega and by these three secret names Agla + On + Tetragrammaton + that you at once fulfill all that I desire. I conjure and encourage you, O strong, holy and potent angels, in the names Cados, Cados, Cados, Hatim, Ya, Iaym, and by the name Adonay, who, on the fifth day, created the fishes and creeping things in the water and the birds of the air. I conjure you by the names of the angels serving in the sixth army before the angel Pastor, holy, great and potent prince, and by the star which is Jupiter.
I conjure you, Sachiel, great angel, who has command over Thursday, that you labour for me and fulfill all my petitions. Amen.