Venus Ritual

Wed Mar 27 2019 5:27 AM

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Opening

Archangels, watch over me, bless me, protect me, and see to the success of this ritual.

Unfathomable creator, encompassing sustainer, unstoppable destroyer. Anything I can imagine, U have created, sustained, and destroyed. Anything I can imagine imagining, but not imagine, U have created, sustained, and destroyed.

Every conceivable universe operates by your will. U command the flow of time. No occurrence escapes your inspection. We know U by the splendor of your creation.

By my birth right as your son, allow me, for the span of this ritual, the following powers: access to root and source, control of branching, dominion over daemons, archons, and angels and understanding of destiny.

O blessed Hermes, servant of the Agathos Daimon, U whose hand is this moment, who rules over this day, bring your light to me!

Light the candle


With the blessing of the archangels around me, with the power drawn from heaven and earth, with the energies of those gathered before me, and by the divine authority vested in me I summon U Venus.

Venus, Isis, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Freyja, Hathor, Parvati! Lady of Luv! Thou who art adored in every culture, I call to U.

Yes, to U! Venus Felix, Venus Libertina, Venus Urania, Venus Victrix, I call U here before these people, in this park, so we may admire and petition U.

Hear me and grant me this boon so I may bless us here gathered. Let us hold U in our hearts and minds and praise thy name.

Oh Venus, always pursued, never captured,

Give us the courage to express our true feelings!

Help us not to fear rejection but to welcome embrace.

Oh Venus, Amorous Angel,

May we love some fiercely, and luv all!

May we luv those who love our lovers. May we share in the joy of their love.

Oh Venus, Builder of Bonds,

May we strengthen our bonds and renew our vows.

May we build strong friendships. May we lift our friends from despair and always lend a helping hand.

May we acquire many acquaintances. May our friends bring us friends. May we introduce lovers and always build connections between our friends.

May we praise our friends and recommend our friends. May we pass along their names with warm wishes.

Oh Venus, Compassionate Companion,

May we shine sympathetic smiles upon strangers. May we peer deep into people's souls and produce healing from the depths.

Oh Venus, Divine Dancer,

May our hips never lie. May we gyrate, swing, groove, and funk.

May we hear and make amazing music and avoid tinnitus.

Oh Venus, Elegant Enchantress

Help us enchant the world. Lend us your rose tinted glasses.

May we show people the magick. May we bring sparkle and light to life.

May we weave stories, epics, and fantasies with those we luv.

Oh Venus, Fragrant Flower

Cover us in rose petals and perfume us with jasmine. May we smell sweet and musky and oh so sexy. May the birds and the bees and all the beasts luv us as we luv them.

Oh Venus, Giver of Gifts,

May we make art in the name of luv, and make ourselves art, and make luv an art, and make love artfully.

Oh Venus, Healer of Hearts!

Help us mend our broken hearts and salve our wounds that prevent us from loving.

May we bare our souls and show our vulnerabilities. May we trust and confide deeply.

Oh Venus, Illustrious Illusionist

By your power may the light flatter us and the night shelter us. May cameras capture our beauty from our best angles.

Oh Venus, Pacifier of People

May we cultivate harmony and peace wherever we trod. Help us build coalition. Bond us together.

May we enlighten our enemies and may they encourage our endeavors.

Oh Venus! Tantric Temptress

Help us sexperience orgasmic bliss blasting us into spiritual dimensions.

Show us vast vistas of transcendent luv.

Oh Venus, mother of Eros

May we feel powerful passion.

Bathe us in the sublime light of luv. May we radiate inner confidence and joy. May we feel beautiful inside and out. May we show our inner beauty and share our deepest gifts.

Oh Venus! Yes! Most delicious Venus!

Let us luv with wild abandon!

Let us cry out in joy!

Command us to always live in zealous awe!

Bring us lovers who challenge us to express our highest, innermost selves!

All this we ask of U that we may venerate your name, blessed Venus. Amen.

Unfathomable creator, encompassing sustainer, unstoppable destroyer. Anything I can imagine, U have created, sustained, and destroyed. Anything I can imagine imagining, but not imagine, U have created, sustained, and destroyed.

Every conceivable universe operates by your will. U command the flow of time. No occurrence escapes your inspection. We know U by the splendor of your creation.

I relinquish the following powers: access to root and source, control of branching, dominion over daemons, archons, and angels and understanding of destiny.

I give thanks to U Venus
I give thanks to U Agathos Daimon

I bid U all depart in peace.

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Closing