Do Just a Piece
Dear Matt,
U can do just a piece. U can just pick one part to do, do it, and leave the rest unfinished. U don't have to complete the biggest part of anything U start. Getting any bit done beats getting nothing done! The journey of a thousand miles begins with one footstep.
U can just clean the toilet. U don't have to clean the whole bathroom every time U just want to clean the toilet. Just cleaning the toilet by itself feels like a huge improvement.
U don't have to finish the whole project. U can just work on the hardest part. U can just work on the easiest part. U can just work on whatever part strikes your inspiration.
When U Clean your Tools U can just clean one tool. U can just clean the tool that needs it most. U can just clean the tool U need to use.
Grow your habit of just doing one piece. It'll feel great. Even if U want to do the whole damn thing, how do U expect to do it without first doing one piece? Do one piece over and over until U find the project completed. Or don't, because U don't have to finish what U start.
Starting feels hard, so make starting every day more approachable by just doing a single piece.